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Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489
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Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489

The Gold Silver Leaf has always been a popular choice for anyone wrapping a smaller gift. Being double-sided means you can have just one counter roll and enchant customers with atleast two different gift-finishes (Silver or Gold) before you start adding bows, ribbons, tags...
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Pearlescent Silver Counter RollPearlescent Silver Counter Roll
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Pearlescent Silver Counter Roll

Our Pearlescent range is a superb choice if you want sophistication and a plain coloured wrap and works well with any size of gift. We recommend 30cm width as being the best size for gift wrapping jewellery and smaller items; 50cm width as a...
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The Twilight Range is high quality gift-wrapping; traditionally a suitable choice for wrapping items small to medium in size, perhaps best alongside gold and silver accessories.  This latest edition includes tiny dots as well as gold and silver stars on a matt black background. Pattern...
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Exploring the Trend: Where are People in the UK Buying their Packaging?

by Jeannette Jones 19 Apr 2024

In the dynamic landscape of consumerism, packaging plays a pivotal role not only in protecting goods but also in shaping brand identity and consumer experience. With sustainability concerns on the rise and Ecommerce booming, where people in the UK source their packaging has become an intriguing topic of discussion, not least because it remains one of the world's biggest online markets. Let's delve into the current trends and patterns.



Online Suppliers Leading the Pack

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards online suppliers for packaging needs. Ecommerce platforms offer convenience, a wide range of options, and often competitive pricing. From small businesses to large corporates, many are turning to online suppliers for their packaging requirements. Websites like Amazon, eBay, and dedicated packaging suppliers' online stores have become go-to destinations for procuring boxes, bubble wrap, tape, and more.

Embracing Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Options on the Rise

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it's a driving force behind consumer choices. As environmental consciousness grows, so does the demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions. People in the UK are increasingly seeking out suppliers that offer recyclable, biodegradable, or compostable packaging materials. Companies are responding by incorporating sustainable options into their product lines, catering to the eco-conscious consumer base.

Local Suppliers: A Resurgence of Support

While online giants dominate the market, there's a notable resurgence in support for local suppliers. Communities across the UK are recognising the importance of supporting local businesses, including those providing packaging solutions. Whether it's independent packaging stores or regional manufacturers, there's a renewed appreciation for sourcing packaging materials closer to home. This trend is further fuelled by a desire to reduce carbon footprints, support local economies, and foster a sense of community.

Customisation and Branding: Tailored Solutions in Demand

In today's competitive market, branding is everything. Businesses understand the significance of packaging as a branding tool and are opting for customized solutions. From branded boxes to personalised tissue paper, there's a growing demand for packaging that reflects a brand's identity and values. UK consumers are turning to suppliers who offer tailored packaging solutions, allowing them to stand out in a crowded marketplace and leave a lasting impression on customers.

Challenges and Opportunities ahead

While the packaging industry in the UK is witnessing significant shifts, it's not without its challenges. Rising material costs, supply chain disruptions, and evolving regulatory landscapes present hurdles for both suppliers and consumers. However, these challenges also bring opportunities for innovation and adaptation. Companies that can navigate these obstacles while staying true to consumer demands stand to thrive in the evolving packaging market.

In conclusion, the landscape of packaging procurement in the UK is evolving rapidly. Online suppliers are reshaping the market with convenience and variety, while sustainability concerns drive demand for eco-friendly solutions. Local businesses are experiencing a resurgence in support, and customisation is becoming increasingly important for branding purposes. As the industry continues to evolve, staying attuned to consumer preferences and market trends will be crucial for both suppliers and consumers alike.

Many of our customers have been around the internet and still not found a solution. Reach out today to discuss your packaging needs with one of the Kudos Team on 01923 220055.


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