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Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489
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Gold Silver Leaf Doublesided Counter Roll 7489

The Gold Silver Leaf has always been a popular choice for anyone wrapping a smaller gift. Being double-sided means you can have just one counter roll and enchant customers with atleast two different gift-finishes (Silver or Gold) before you start adding bows, ribbons, tags...
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What is the Future of Eco-friendly Packaging?

by Elspeth Devine 14 Oct 2021


With the festive season approaching, many consumers will be giving increased thought to stocking up on giftwrap. While there’s a concerted effort to reduce waste through recycling, many wrapping products contain foils and plastic coatings that are unrecyclable – something that isn’t always known by consumers. However, some groups of consumers actively seek eco-friendly packaging, such as parents of young children:

  • 41% of UK parents say they are influenced by the environmentally friendly status of a product.
  • More than one-third of parents say ‘green packaging’ drives their purchasing decisions.

What’s the implication for retail businesses? With parents expressing a desire to change their spending habits to reduce their impact on the environment – and their children likely to inherit their views (or react against them, we will have to see) – switching to eco-friendly packaging now makes sense.


Eco-Friendly Packaging: From Niche to Normal

At present, eco-friendly packaging is a value-added incentive that brand-conscious retailers use to improve their market awareness and consumer engagement. However, with the Government’s ambitious net-zero emissions target and the heightened concern about the long-term sustainability of the environment, it’s likely that changes will extend far beyond the supply of eco-friendly energy and the phase-out of diesel cars. With five million tonnes of waste packaging every year amounting to one-fifth of UK household waste, regulation is very likely.

Many businesses currently offer eco-friendly packaging parts. Changes to legislation may require all packaging to be recyclable or biodegradable. For instance, recyclable ribbons and bows may replace existing products. Some changes have already been introduced: glitter, for example – a classic microplastic if ever there was one – is no longer used in packaging, but some people miss the luxurious and attractive appearance it offers, so there’s a thirst for eco-friendly alternatives, e.g. biodegradable glitter, which respect both the environment and consumer taste.


Kudos Giftwrap: At the forefront of environmentally-friendly Luxury Packaging

At Kudos Giftwrap, we take our commitment to the environment seriously, without compromising on demand for high-quality, aesthetically pleasing wrapping paper. Our new Eco Foil range of paper boasts all the festive appeal of traditional foil papers, with a fantastic and eye-catching shine, but is completely recyclable.

Foil wrapping paper is incredibly versatile and easier to use than the alternatives. For novice gift wrappers, it hides every incorrect fold perfectly, so there’s no wasted wrapping, lost time, or frustration! Printed on FSC certified materials, the Eco Foil range is laminate-free, making it fully recyclable.

We also supply a range of ‘green’ packaging, including eco-friendly custom tissue paper, biodegradable tencel ribbon, and recycled bows.


Your next steps

If you’re looking for a surefire way to promote your brand as a responsible, eco-friendly business, why not use sustainable luxury packaging this Christmas? Get in touch with Kudos Giftwrap today for your free, no-obligation quotation on 01923 954930.

Image Source: Unsplash

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